Coming out of Covid lockdown, the PCO committee wondered if we were going to survive, after many members just didn’t return to liesure time playing. Well, we’ve really turned things around……due in large part to our MD, Charlie Westbrook, but also because we are a really friendly group of people. Very regrettably we’ve been forced to place would-be players of some instruments onto waiting lists. We physically don’t have room for any more flutes, clarinets, violins or trombones. We still really want an oboe player to join us. They’re as rare as cocjeral’s eggs. I dream of the day I see someone walk through the door, carrying an oboe case!! We’d welcome a percussion player too, or someone who can play snare drum and read percussion notation. Conductor Charlie is a percussion specialist, but he can’t conduct and play at the same time. 🤪 Not quite true. He did play drum kit while we performed the Adele/James Bond song, Skyfall.
Here’s a few informal photos from recent rehearsals.